“I looked all over the web for a straightforward comprehensive explanation of terms like Global Warming Potential (GWP) and the different meanings of CO2equivalent but I couldn’t find it, so eventually I decided to spend some of my time (and the time of many helpful friends and colleagues) on creating one.”
“… ideas won’t be enough, so there is an urgent need to rank those proposals to work out which should undergo rigorous testing”
“New measurements of a rare but potent greenhouse gas finds levels to be four times higher than previously thought. Nitrogen trifluoride (NF3), used mainly in the manufacture of flatscreen TVs and microcircuits, is 17,000 times more powerful at trapping heat than an equal mass of carbon dioxide.”
“Millions of these balloons could hover low over the landscape, each concentrating sunlight onto a photovoltaic cell inside, and pumping out electricity more cheaply than power from fossil fuels”
“ Doug Kysar and I [Ian Ayres] have a piece in Slate that suggests a way forward on the vexing problem of how to allocate CO2 permits.”
“Making green energy work may depend on three unlikely heroes: an Australian engineer, a battery, and the element vanadium.”
“ New Scientist looks at some recent patent applications that hope to be part of a new, greener, world.”
“Carbon Sciences recently announced a technological breakthrough that is capable of transforming CO2 emissions into fuel. The development utilizes a highly scalable bio-catalytic process to economically convert one of the most omnipresent causes of global warming, CO2, into the basic building blocks of most fuels used to drive transportation and industry today.”
“A clear-eyed look at the magnitude of global warming problem—and the cost in getting rid of it.”