The evolution of Teach With Portals shows that right now, commercial games that have already had their success can be altered to energize educators to use their game mechanics to make students more enthusiastic about math and science lessons, with relatively little additional investment on the part of the game designers.
SuperBetter is a hearty effort to put research on pro-social, pro-health games to use in an interesting and engaging format. Its mechanics allow the player to use the game to achieve whatever health goals they set for themselves. McGonigal decided to create the game after suffering and recovering from a head injury two years ago.
These two games show the current state of the games for change community: Commercially successful game publishers are becoming more involved in health and education games without having to change their primary focus of producing entertainment. At the same time, engaging, well-designed games are being created with backing of the medical community, a research-driven development model and a clear health outcome as their goal.