Interesting overview of the effect of our choice of words.
Word choice can predict whether you’re depressed, suicidal or lying. Swearing makes you more persuasive [but doesn’t affect credibility].
[S]mall words are more effective than big ones and why trying to sound smart actually makes you seem stupid.
Speaking positively and using words related to “insight” is associated with outstanding achievement.
That word “I” can be very telling. Powerful people don’t say it much. Less powerful people say it the most. People use “I” rarely when lying in order to psychologically distance themselves.
By the same token, “we” can be extremely powerful. Just saying it can make people feel more positive toward you and create a feeling of familiarity.
Couples who say “we” often when describing their relationships are more satisfied. Use of the word “you” is a bad sign. Using “we” can even predict whether you’ll survive a heart attack.
Mimicking another person’s word choice improves negotiations.