Continuing my research into what motivates highly respected achievers, I’ve come across a few gleaming nuggets of a subject that eludes most of us – what makes some people truly love their jobs. And by “love” I don’t mean that they never have a day when they’d rather be doing anything but their job, but rather that they experience a consistent contentment with what they do. For the most part, these are the people that get up thinking about what’s going to happen at work that day, minus the impending sense of dread many of us have as we’re brushing our teeth.

Here are the reasons:

  1. They seldom feel disconnected from the challenge that first engaged their interest.

  2. They’re remarkably well-attuned to the “early years.”

  3. They are “portfolio” thinkers.

  4. They don’t care what you think.

  5. They are born succession planners.

  6. They will stay…but just know, they’ll also leave.

  7. They won’t be stopped.

  8. They draw people to them without even trying.

  9. They live in the now.

  10. They never, ever limit their vision to serve the interests of petty competition.

Read the full article for more info.