People in general, hold onto beliefs that are shaped by early experiences, the media, and faulty influences. The following list is a compilation of research that may surprise you. Video games, e-books, playtime, and music are all a part of an educator’s repertoire.

Read on, and be prepared to put your traditional beliefs aside as science points to innovative methods that indicate future success.

Here’s a selection:

  1. Playing scary and violent video games help children master their fears in real life.

  2. Gardening improves children’s desire to learn and boosts their confidence

  3. Teaching kids at a very early age is counterproductive to their learning

  4. Music and movement augment children’s language capabilities during the preschool years

  5. Green spaces or natural backyards elevate children’s learning through discovery

  6. Mature make-believe play provides the most beneficial context for children’s development

  7. Play-based learning increases children’s attention span

  8. Children behave better when parents are involved in their education at home and at school

  9. Children who participate in laughing activities experience increase in memory retention