In this article, you’ll discover that simple, slightly magical answer, while we go through the 8 big mistakes people make when trying to find happiness in life.
1. Things
The solution is to realize that things will not make you happy. Happiness in life comes from the inside, and it’s available right here, right now.
2. Relationships
You have to be willing to find happiness within. No partner can make you happy, and if you think they can, you will try to change them, which will lead to suffering.
3. Striving
The simple answer to finding happiness in your life is to stop looking for it. Stop trying so hard. Welcome what is.
4. Logical Living
When you live a logical life, everything has to make sense. You need to plan and control everything. And if you’ve been doing this, you know it leads to nothing but anguish. […] The best attitude you can have is to enjoy the ride.
5. Blame
There’s no one that can make you unhappy without your consent. It is your reaction to people that determines whether or not you are happy.
6. Excuses
Notice what excuses are holding you back, and let them go. You create your excuses out of thin air. They are not real.
If something is making you unhappy, first welcome it, then let it go. If a situation needs changing, change it, but stop making excuses.
If you aren’t willing to do something, don’t do it. There’s no need for excuses. Own your decisions and be content with it.
7. Perfection
Let life be messy. Let life be chaotic. You just enjoy what’s here in this very moment. Let go of the rest, because there’s nothing you can do anyway.
We want things to be perfect. We want guarantees that whatever we do will work out. But there are no guarantees.
And you never know if making a mistake is exactly what needs to happen in order for you to get to where you need to be.
8. Avoiding the Now
If you’re trying to get something so you can be happy, it won’t happen.
Happiness is right in this very moment. At your core, you are happiness, you are joy, and you are peace.
What keeps you from feeling it is all the wanting, trying to get somewhere, and trying to resist the present moment.
Sometimes life will be hard, but that’s okay. Welcome it in.
Sometimes life will be joyous, and that’s okay, too.
You can’t have the good without the bad. That’s life. Accept what is, and let life take you on the adventure it is.