Yes, our traditional Flavorpill end-of-year stereotyping exercise is back — we’ve collected 50 albums that keep appearing on various best-of lists around the Internet, along with the sort of people who like said albums. As ever, our obligatory disclaimer: this is a lighthearted exercise, so don’t get all pissy about it — and, yes, our stereotype is on here, and it fits perfectly. Go on, see if you can guess which one it is.
Here’s a selection of albums that I’ve heard or want to hear:
Jack White — Blunderbuss
People who didn’t think The Raconteurs were lame at all.
The Raconteurs are great! And Jack White is awesome!
Leonard Cohen &mdash Old Ideas
The elderly guy in your family that all your friends think is way cool.Animal Collective — Centipede Hz
Bug-eyed trippers whose cognitive faculties are now starting to suffer a noticeable decline.Godspeed You! Black Emperor — ‘Allelujah! Don’t Bend! Ascend!
Thirtysomethings who have been wearing the same thrift shop cardigan for a decade.Tame Impala — Lonerism
The dude with shaggy long hair who stands in front of you at every concert.David Byrne and St. Vincent — Love This Giant
Grad students who spend more time in the library than at concerts.
The xx — Coexist
Interior designers who buy one record a year.