The above cognitive distortions are very typical and can result in a reduction in your level of confidence and hope. Distorted thinking patterns are narrow and do not allow a balanced view of the events occurring in your life. However, there are things you can do to combat the 3 major poor thinking patterns above:
Reflect: Take time to reflect on the situation and your thoughts. Challenge yourself by questioning whether there is “evidence” for how you view the situation. Is the evidence sound evidence? Could you possibly perceive the situation in another way?
Move: Engaging in exercise (yoga, Zumba, aerobics, jogging, etc.) is a great way to free your mind and free yourself from the chains of worry, stress, and depression.
Eat : Healthy eating is essential especially for about 80% of the time. Try to eat something healthy with each meal to start off slow (yams, spinach, greens, wheat, oats, etc.) and then add healthy food to your diet 80% of the time and have treats 20% of time time. This has worked for me!
Groove : Music and dance are great expressions of emotion and have a way of removing you from stress and worry. Turn on something you like and let the music take your mind away from you present moment.
Self-sooth : Activities such as warm baths, walking slowly in the park, covering up in a soft blanket, hugging a stuffed animal, etc. are self-soothing techniques that can offer comfort.
Distorted thoughts can truly affect your emotions, outlook, and behavior in negative ways. Try to combat this with things you like to do and can easily implement into your weekly schedule. Try to treat yourself well during times of extreme stress, worry, depression, and anxiety.