Here are interesting examples of some of the psychology research that has come out recently on the benefits of video games.

Video games can improve problem-solving

[I]n one recent study it was found that real-time strategy games can improve overall “cognitive flexibility” – which was measured using a variety of non-video game related tasks.

Strategy and puzzle-based games are especially good types of games for improving problem-solving, but almost every video game requires some type of planning and innovative thinking to move on to the next level. […]

Video games can improve motor skills and spatial awareness

In a study done using Super Mario 64, individuals who played the game 30 minutes a day for 2 months showed changes in parts of their brain associated with spatial navigation, strategic planning, working memory and motor performance. […]

First-person shooters, platformers, and driving games are particularly useful for improving hand-eye coordination. […]

A related study shows the power of video games to improve our attention and speed up our response times – two very important skills for interacting with the real world in fast-paced situations.

Video games can help you socialize and build relationships

According to a recent study, many gamers play with their friends or even make friends online. Multi-player video games often provide a way to compete against others in a healthy and fun way, or even cooperate and work together in a group or team to overcome common obstacles. […]

Video games can improve self-control and help you curb desires

One really interesting study found that playing Tetris can help reduce urges to eat, drink, or smoke.

When individuals distract themselves with a video game, this can help reduce the strength of their urges and cravings. Instead of thinking, “I really want to smoke a cigarette right now” or “I really want to eat a piece of cake,” you become so involved in playing the game and achieving those goals. […]

Video games can reduce stress and pain

A recent study (PDF) definitely supports the idea that video games can decrease stress and improve our overall mood. And another study shows how video games are used to help distract medical patients from pain.

Again, this goes back to the idea of “healthy escapism.” Video games allow us to temporarily escape our world of stresses and anxieties, and put ourselves in an alternate world where we often feel much more powerful and in control. […]