1. As they process information, introverts are carefully attending to their internal thoughts and feelings at the same time.
  2. [I]ntroverts are more easily over-stimulated.
  3. [I]ntroverts feel content and energized when reading a book, thinking deeply, or diving into their rich inner world of ideas.
  4. [I]ntroverts feel less excitement from surprise or risk.
  5. Introverts process everything in their surroundings and pay attention to all the sensory details in the environment, not just the people.
  6. [I]ntroverts have an active dialogue with themselves and usually walk around with many thoughts in their minds.

Dear Extroverts,

We love your energy and your excitement. But as introverts, we sometimes feel misunderstood. We wish you could visualize what’s going on inside our brains—you might be surprised! Here are six illustrations of what it’s like to be in our heads.

