1. Introverts Are Shy and Anti-Social

This is completely false. Introverts do not suffer from low self-esteem nor do they have an aversion to people. Introverts just have different social needs compared to extroverts.

While extroverts gain energy from social interaction, we are drained by it. […]

2. Introverts Are Boring

Since introverts are easily over-stimulated in busy settings, we are frequently thought of as boring. Again, not true. We just prefer smaller, more intimate groups instead of big, loud gatherings.


3. Introverts Are Rude

This is one of the most common misconceptions introverts battle. We are not very good at “polite” small talk. We just don’t see its value. Therefore, we often skip it.

Also, we prefer to stay quiet and soak in new settings. Some interpret this behavior as being rude. It isn’t intended that way at all. We are just more inwardly focused. […]

4. Introverts Always Want to Be Alone

This could not be more untrue! Introverts love having deep, meaningful relationships. We certainly value our “alone time”, but we also look forward to coming back together.

Introverts typically have a small group of extremely close friends. Our loyalty and faithfulness go unmatched. We deeply value our relationships. We just don’t feel the need to be “friends” with everyone.

5. Introverts Are Weird

Since our social needs differ greatly from extroverts, we are often seen as weird. We have been endlessly portrayed as geeks, nerds and social idiots. Actually, we are very bright, thoughtful and insightful people. We just value different things.
