The Asch Conformity Experiment
This is a classic and well worth your time.
[I]nterview data with participants that did conform to the majority group on at least one-half or more of the trials, and thus, “yielded” to the group also exhibited certain reactions to the experiment. Some participants reacted with a “distortion of perception”. These participants (very few) conformed on nearly all trials and actually believed that the confederates incorrect answers were true. They were never aware that the majority gave incorrect answers. Other participants exhibited a “distortion of judgment” (most belonged to this category). This meant that participants got to a point where they realized that they must be wrong and that the majority must be right, leading them to answer with the majority. These individuals lacked confidence and were very doubtful. Lastly, participants exhibited a “distortion of action”, suggesting that they knew what the correct answer was, but conformed with the majority group simply because they didn’t want to seem inferior.