A brain thinks 70,000 thoughts in a day out of which most of them are repeated over and over again, so when the next time you think something take some time to think about your brain as well. Researchers today suggest a healthy lifestyle that benefits in maintaining effective and vibrant brains. Following is the list of ten essential habits necessary for a healthy brain, let’s review them and try to apply them in our daily lives.

Outline of the ten habits:

  1. Learn about your brain and use it

  2. Healthy Diet means Healthy Brain

  3. Fitter bodies will get you fitter brains

  4. Be Optimistic

  5. Challenge your Brain

  6. Don’t let your brain retire

  7. Travel and Explore

  8. Avoid taking suggestions

  9. Socialization- a healthy brain developing tool

  10. Laughter is the best medicine even for the Brain

Read the article for more details.